Email Translation / WhatsApp Translation Dubai

As it is obvious, emails have been considered as legal evidence in courts for a long time. People have won cases by showing the proofs in their emails and have lost cases by failing to provide the evidence to the court which were supposed to be there in the email. Emails are considered written evidence and may cause a huge problem for someone if he/she gets offended. Often have we seen cases of threatening someone in the email or blackmailing someone in the emails and they are brought to justice by the judicial department. The fancy is to know that WhatsApp messages are also considered legal in the courts now and they are equally sensitive in terms of using them for legal purposes.
Translating emails and WhatsApp messages are not a cup of tea for everyone as different people have different manners of writing messages just like their own handwriting. Understanding the complexity of the content is a tough job and something not everyone can handle as understanding the roman written Arabic or any other language is tough. There are various companies in the market who clearly decline to translate such content due to their usage of machine translation. We have helped countless people who had such complicated requirement with our human powered translation as we understand that even the tiniest of the error can cause a huge damage to you or to your case.
You can trust us with your complicated documents as we are the choice of thousands of people.