Ministry Of Foreign Affairs Translation In UAE

Just like the Ministry Of Justice, Ministry of Foreign Affairs holds a special criterion of attesting documents. There could be various sorts of documents that require Ministry Of Foreign Affairs attestation on them. Some of the documents are coming from abroad and after meeting with the needful criteria, the document is directly attested by the MOFA UAE. But in some scenarios, you might require to attest a translation of a document from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. In Such cases, you would require a Sworn Legal Translator who is licensed from the Ministry Of Justice and is capable of providing sworn legal translation. There are a very limited number of Sworn Legal Translators in UAE and such translators have a special command over a specific language pair. For that specific language, the legal translators have passed special exams in after passing such complicated exams; have obtained a license from the Ministry Of Justice for becoming a Sworn Legal Translator.
We are honored to announce that we have made a special collaboration with all available language pairs of Sworn Legal Translators in UAE who are considered the finest in their field. The translations prepared and stamped by them are not only approved and attested in MOFA UAE, as being a Licensed Sworn Legal Translator from the Ministry Of Justice, their translations are approved and attested in the MOJ as well.
So worry no more and send us your inquiry by pressing the button below and enjoy the finest translations company in town.